Saturday, January 7, 2012

January boredom

Yes I am bored, what will I write about you ask? About my day I guess.

My best guy friend (besides my man), my son and I hung out for the most part of the day and talked about some issues that were bothering him, like ... you know what I'm just going to post this...

I stumbled on this today while I was in a bad mood, because my son took the food from the freezer and poured powerade all over. While I was cleaning it the food was all soggy and smelt of vomit. I was furious, so I put my son in "time out" for a while and decided mommy needs a break. I went on Youtube and saw a new video MichelleGlavan posted, I noticed it was originally JennaMables so I watched the original. I am in love with her youtube work, so this video uped my opinion on her.

This cheered me up, I hope it cheers a few women who are down :).

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